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virtualpinballmachine|China to issue 30 billion yuan of book-entry discount T-bonds

时间:2024-08-01 15:25:12浏览次数:22

BEIJINGvirtualpinballmachine, Augvirtualpinballmachine. 1 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of Finance said Thursday that it will auction 30 billion yuan (about 4.21 billion U.S. dollars) worth of book-entry discount treasury bonds on Friday.

With a term of 91 days, the bonds will be sold at a discounted price and mature at par value. The price will be determined through a competitive tender on Friday, according to a statement released by the ministry.

virtualpinballmachine|China to issue 30 billion yuan of book-entry discount T-bonds

The bonds will become tradable on the securities market on Aug. 7, the ministry said.

The value of the auction was equivalent to the previous sale on July 26.